May 07, 2022

4 Tips to Make Losing Weight Easier


When we’re deciding to try and lose weight, we have the best intentions in mind—we are looking to not only take off excess pounds but to leave them off.

Problem is, a lot of these diets are not sustainable, creating what is referred to as the yo-yo effect: you lose weight, but then end up putting it back on in the long run.

In order to help make your weight-loss journey a successful one in the long term, Centers Health Care has a look at four tips that might help.

  1. Don’t Cut Calories Too Drastically

If you’re consuming too many calories, sure—cut down to what is considered a recommended level for your gender and lifestyle. But if you’re taking in far fewer calories than you should, you will cause your metabolism to slow down. Then if you hit your weight-loss goal and increase the number of calories again, your body will not be able to process it as effectively, causing weight gain.

  1. Avoid Foods That Derail Diets

It’s not always about calories; seemingly small choices can prevent a diet from working. Even carving out space in your diet for a sugary coffee drink or salty snack can cost you more in the long run. That’s because sugary and highly processed foods don’t make you feel full and can sometimes have the opposite effect, causing you to want to eat even more.

  1. Focus More on Eating the Right Foods

If you’re eating the right foods—lean proteins, fruit, vegetables—most of the time, you don’t have to worry as much about counting calories or even weighing yourself. Having mostly healthy foods will allow you to let hunger and feeling full guide you, and you can measure progress by the way your clothes fit and by measuring the circumference of your waist, as eliminating visceral (belly) fat is the kind of fat you want to eliminate.

  1. Add Exercise

Regardless of your weight, being physically active is just as important to a healthy lifestyle. Aerobic exercises like jogging, biking, swimming, and even brisk walking can reduce visceral fat, and strength exercises can boost your metabolism and help you maintain muscle mass as you age.