April 19, 2022

5 Household Items That You May Not Need


Companies are constantly innovating, and that leads to new things to shop for and buy at the store. But when it comes to household items, the shiny new thing isn’t always better than what you’ve always been used to buying.

Centers Health Care has a look at five products that you’re better off saving your money on.

  1. Detergent Pods

Oftentimes, when something comes along that’s in a packet or is single-serve, you’re going to spend more money on that product. That’s the case for detergent pods, which are more expensive than regular laundry detergent, and the jury is out on whether they do as good of a job of cleaning your clothes as well.

  1. Cleaning Wipes

A bottle of wipes is good to have on the go, but for the home, you’re better off with a cloth rag and a bottle of cleanser. It will save you money in the long run and lead to less waste.

  1. Lint Roller

There probably isn’t a pet owner out there who doesn’t own at least one lint roller, but it takes a lot of \"paper/tape\" to clean a garment—refills cost money and all that paper will end up in the trash. Believe it or not, a rubber glove will achieve the same effect, and you can use that over and over again.

  1. Oven Cleaners

These often contain harsh chemicals that can damage your oven, and the fumes can be harmful to your health as well. Take advantage of your oven’s self-cleaning feature, and if you have to use a substance to clean it, use a mixture of water and baking soda. Turn it into a paste, apply it to the inside of the oven, leave it overnight, and then wipe it down the next morning.

  1. Paper Towels

Think of the size of the bag or box that paper towels come in. You’re creating that in waste every time you go through a roll, and you’re spending money on something you’re eventually throwing away. Use reusable rags, dish towels, or microfiber cloths instead of paper towels.