December 01, 2021

4 Passive Ways to Lose Weight


The key to weight loss will always be to consume fewer calories than you are already taking in. A combination of diet and exercise will help you reach your goals, but there are also more passive things you can do to keep an eye on your waistline without changing your overall habits too much, especially if you’re just looking to drop a few pounds or to maintain the weight you’re at.

Center’s Healthcare has the details on four passive ways to lose some weight despite it being the holiday season.

  1. Add Green Tea to Your Routine

Studies found that people who drink green tea regularly—even better if you add lemon—lost as much as seven pounds more than non-tea drinkers when all other factors were similar. The lemon boosts the antioxidants in the green tea, essentially making it even better for your body and weight-loss goals.

  1. Don’t Skimp on Sleep

Yes, it might seem like you need to be moving more to lose weight, but not getting enough sleep is counterproductive to the body in many ways. Sleep is when your body resets and recharges, so not routinely getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep will not only leave you feeling sluggish, but your body will be craving more fuel to get through the day by way of carbs and sugar.

  1. Eat Natural Sugars

Instead of keeping a bowl of holiday candy within reach, fill up your fruit bowl. These natural sugars will curb your craving and help with your goals via addition by subtraction—having a healthy alternative compared to holiday chocolates, cookies, or candy canes.

  1. Relax

With planning parties, getting the house ready, shopping for gifts, and having a busier schedule than usual, the holiday season can be a stressful time. But try to set realistic goals and keep your stress level to a minimum, as stress can trigger cravings for sugary and fatty foods or snacks.