August 26, 2022

Staying Alert Behind the Wheel


It’s estimated that nearly 100,000 vehicle crashes each year are caused by drowsy driving. But studies show that nearly 20% of people admit to doing it over the past month.

Experts say if you get behind the wheel on five or fewer hours of sleep, the risk of crashing is comparable to someone driving over the legal alcohol limit. Being able to get a handle on drowsy driving–how to both avoid it and stay alert if you haven’t gotten a full night’s sleep–is possible if you’re smart and aware of it.

Centers Health Care has a look at five ways you can make sure to stay alert while driving.

  1. Drive During the Day

Driving at night compounds many issues, and one of them is drowsy driving. Driving when you’re usually awake is a better time to make a long trip, and also be sure to get a good night’s sleep before you hit the road.

  1. Check Medications

Some medications can cause drowsiness, so if you’re having trouble staying awake, medicine could be to blame. Check labels on your medications or ask your doctor if you’re having concerns.

  1. Avoid Alcohol

It should go without saying, but avoid alcohol when driving, and you’ll also want to avoid heavy foods that can make you sleepy.

  1. Travel With a Partner

Having someone in the car to can help you in two ways—it gives you someone to give you a break and also allows you to have someone to talk to, which helps keep you awake and alert.

  1. Take Frequent Breaks

If you’re taking a longer trip, experts suggest taking a break every two hours or 100 miles.