July 15, 2021

Summer Ice Cream Truck at BronxCare

After the clouds were burned off by the July summer sun, it was time to celebrate with the BronxCare health care workers for the heroics they have done over the past 15 months during COVID. So yesterday, the turnout was great at the highly-respected BronxCare hospital on the Grand Concourse and Mt. Eden Avenue where more than 200 ice creams were given out to the happy staff.

“We love our healthcare workers, always have and always will,” said Vanessa Pena, Regional Director at Centers Health Care. “Giving them free ice cream and a hot and humid day is the biggest gift of all!”

Centers Health Care, now operating nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities for 25 years, began their 2nd annual free ice cream summer program last month but this year, the phrase, “thank you for all you’ve done” has taken on a new meaning.


As seen on New York Patch.