May 06, 2022

Concord Nursing’s Fashion Show

[Left to right are residents Gladys Salley in full red and sporting colors is Joretha Deas]

One would never think of a residents’ fashion show taking place at a nursing and rehabilitation facility, but according to Concord Nursing and Rehabilitation Center’s Recreation Director Aracelis Abreu, when there’s a will, there’s certainly a way. This is exactly what took place on April 26 at the highly-respected 140-bed skilled nursing facility on Madison Street in Brooklyn where everyone, including the non-performing residents that were in attendance, were in awe and the show was a complete success. The residents who were dressed up for the fashion show showed off their talents and they were simply perfect.

About 20 residents took part in the Concord fashion show, a time they’ll never forget. A delighted Ms. Abreau was so thankful that everything turned out great.

“I want to shout a special thank you to Ms. Heywood, an LPN nurse who donated the beautiful dresses for the fashion show,” said Abreau. “I also want to thank Kevin (Concord’s Spiritual Leader) who volunteers his time every Monday to come in and preach the spiritual word, and who donated beautiful hats for the residents.”

As seen in Brooklyn Patch