May 24, 2023

Fulton Center Honors Nurses and Nursing Home

Fulton Center on County Hwy 122 in Gloversville wholeheartedly thanked their nurses and had a great time with their residents this month as the 176-bed skilled nursing facility observed both National Nurses Appreciation Week during the week of May 8th and National Nursing Home Week which was last week, the week of May 15th. The Recreation Department, led by Director Lona Bleyl, made certain that there was much to do every day over the past two weeks.

"The back-to-back weeks of National Nurses Week and National Nursing Home Week can be more exciting for our industry versus Christmas time," said Bleyl with a smile. "Just to honor our nurses and having the residents experience such a great time, is well worth the time that we all put into these weeks. It really demonstrates that we love our residents and admire our nurses."

From fun ice cream socials and all-day Bingo to winning sports memorabilia and competing in a corn hole competition, the facility finally had an exciting conclusion with an amazing carnival and tattoos for anyone that wanted. Many prizes were won by both residents and staff. Without a doubt, fun times were had by all.

As seen both in Observer-Dispatch and Fulton County Area News