May 17, 2023

Hanger Clinic & Sigma Rehab Tech

Over 80 therapists from the northeast assembled at the Hilton Embassy Suites on Old Collamer Road South in East Syracuse on May 10 at the latest Continuing Education Units (CEU) Conference to learn first-hand from specialists at Hanger Clinic and Sigma Rehab Health, a sister outfit providing therapy services to residents at Centers Health Care facilities. The conference included high-level guest speakers who talked about the newest developments and treatments in amputee care pathways, as well as the misconceptions about orthotic and prosthetic interventions.

The day’s guest speakers included Hanger Clinic’s Certified Prosthetic and Orthotist, Oliver “Max” Nigrosh, Chris Toelle, Hanger Clinic’s National Orthotic Specialist in the Department of Clinical and Scientific Affairs, and Sigma Rehab Health’s Education Director, Erica Davison. The conference also included a number of breakout sessions where attendees could ask one-on-one questions about the various new products and certain techniques being used today.

“These events are so valuable to those who are new, as well as those who have spent years in the industry,” said Richard White, PT, DPT, Sigma Health Rehab’s Corporate Rehabilitation Director of Education & Clinical Practice. “I know that the rehab directors and therapists in our facilities in and around Central New York really came away with an education or a refresher about what is being offered these days.”

One of the most innovative discussions of the event talked about the developments and various products associated with the AmpuShield Post-Operative Protection, a device that protects the residual limb post-surgery and prior to acquiring a prosthesis. Chris Lange, Hanger Clinic’s Central New York’s Clinic Manager, described the uniqueness of the AmpuShield with the many therapists present at the conference.

All in all, from start to finish, this latest CEU event was a success.

“People were fully engaged throughout the event and many asked our guest speakers excellent questions,” said Paul Selph, Business Development Manager & Certified Prosthetic Assistant, at Hanger Clinic. “Our breakout sessions were full, so many people came away with a lot of excellent information.”

Hanger Clinic and Sigma Rehab Health leadership are in discussion now on where and when the next CEU event may be taking place during 2023.

As seen in Patch