Modern-Day Tech Outcomes for Rehab Patients
Jacqueline Turenne, PT, WCC, RAC-CT, OHCC
Rehabilitation in a skilled nursing facility can encompass many modalities, activities, and come in all shapes and sizes in order to drive the highest outcomes for patients and residents.
Patients and residents alike enter rehabilitation in a skilled nursing center looking to maximize their functional potential and return back to their homes as vibrant members of their community. Today, the population we serve is of a younger generation and more familiar with video games and virtual reality activities than the generation before. Because of this, in addition to traditional physical and occupational therapy, many skilled nursing facilities offer the use of modern simulation technology. The simulation technology is designed to speed up the recovery of patients and drive great outcomes, which is to get better and return home.
Jintronix is one of today’s proven exciting simulation technology. It is a modality used in various rehabilitation centers at skilled nursing facilities. At Beth Abraham Center in the New York City borough of the Bronx, this technology acts as a bridge to connect to the patients and residents, turning rehabilitation therapy into something fun rather than work. Simulation technology helps to foster patient participation, increase motivation, and assess functional outcomes to achieve these goals.
As seen in Medical Tech Outlook