July 18, 2023

Richmond Resident’s Inspiring Story

During the overnight of July 5, 2022, Staten Island residential real-estate agent and currently Richmond Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing resident Roy Adams had a stroke while he was asleep. Mr. Adams, 57, wasn’t feeling like himself on July 3rd and July 4th due to having an upset stomach but on that morning of the 5th, he woke up feeling numbness and heaviness so he began questioning himself about the possibility that he had just suffered a stroke. Roy said that he did not have the a-typical symptoms and characteristics of a stroke, such as non-usage of his left side, eye-wandering, and no slurred speech, so he thought perhaps he slept wrong, but as the day progressed, symptoms worsened. When it was confirmed that it was indeed a stroke, he spent the next ten days at Staten Island University Hospital recovering.

As seen on Staten Island, NY Local – News Break