February 03, 2022

Ice Cream Sundae Buffet at Ontario Center

This year, National Activity Professionals Week (NAPW) took place from January 23rd to the 29th and the Recreation team at Ontario Center in Canandaigua did something on Jan 25 that everyone loved….ice cream sundaes for everyone! Activity professionals all over the country look forward to this week as leadership and other departments at nursing homes congratulate these hard-working Recreation staff members whose goal is to keep residents happy, entertained and engaged in all events every day of the year. This year at the intimate 98-bed skilled nursing facility, the Recreation team lead by Tammy Voeltz, had ice cream sundaes for everyone and no one was without. "We never have a problem with anything, especially when we want to give back to our residents and our other departmental colleagues," said Ms. Voeltz. "The Activity team plays a tremendous role in the lives of our residents," said Rebecca Butler, Administrator. "Tammy and her team always shine, they came up with great ideas and see them through. Therapy and nursing have their thing, recreation has theirs, they are equally as important for the well-being of each resident."

As seen on WHAM