January 06, 2023

Art for New Year’s at Ontario

The residents at New Paltz Center on Jansen Road in New Paltz received a real treat on New Year’s Eve the time around as a popular music act called Afternoon Delight played so many of the biggest hits of the 1960s and 1970s, hence their group name of that very popular 1977 song by the Starland Vocal Band. The Recreation team, headed by Samantha Cerero, had both residents and staff dressed in black and gold New Year’s 2023 hats while enjoying a variety of appetizers including cheese and crackers, chips, nachos and salsa, and let’s not forget New Year’s styled 2023 cupcakes. All in all, the residents had a great time as many did make it to midnight, while others went to bed early in anticipation of a New Year’s Day planned hot breakfast the next morning.

As seen in Poughkeepsie Journal