January 17, 2023

Northern Manor Resident’s Artistry

For many of us who live life every day, it all becomes routine. There’s nothing wrong with routine, it’s all part of life, so for all of us routineers, we have to admire those who have been dealt with a different kind of deck, a deck that included many ups and downs, far from a life of routine. One of these people is a resident at Northern Manor on North Middletown Road in Nanuet, New York and his name is Richard Fonck.

Richard is 47 and although he is incredibly creative with his arts and crafts he designs and creates, life has thrown him a number of curveballs. His arts and crafts can easily be sold in stores and, in addition to this creativity, he also has strong musical talent where he writes, plays guitar and sings ballads like he’s been doing it all his life. He attributes his music to his upbringing where his father who once played professionally with the legendary Skeeter Davis. Richard’s natural arts and crafts abilities are inborn, and that it is naturally driven from inside. Professionally, at one time, he had a landscaping business and he also made income painting professionally which displayed his creativity day in and day out, again, being handy by nature. Interesting enough, although he went to school as a child, his mother also home-schooled him and this is where he thinks his arts and crafts talent started.

Born in Derby, Connecticut and grew up the in New Haven region, life hasn’t been straightforward for Richard. Most recently in 2022, his life made a series of left turns physically and socially but he continues to maintain a remarkably strong positive outlook. This positive outlook is easily seen for those who are lucky to come into contact with Richard. His roommate Charles at Northern Manor, says that he is lucky to have Richard as his roommate and Richard says it right back about Charles. They both feed off each other to keeping their spirits high and positive every day.

As seen in lohud.