January 27, 2022

Certification Achievement at Slate Valley

A big congratulations goes to Ms. Andrea Kelley, Recreation Director at Slate Valley Center in Granville as she has passed her national exam and has become Activity Director Certified (ADC) accredited. The ADC standing needs to renewed every two years and it is given by the National Certification Council for Activity Professionals (NCCAP), is a credentialing body which sets standards and criteria for those working to meet the leisure needs of those in their care. A Certified Activity Director meets NCCAP standards to direct an activity staff and program. More than two years of education or training post high school is needed and two years of work experience as well. Upon earning her degree, Administrator Janice Doughman, along with the Recreation Team, got Ms. Kelley roses for her achievement. The flowers came along with a note that read: "Congratulations! You worked hard and we appreciate you. Slate Valley Center". "I love what I do, that’s why this degree life-fulfilling," says Kelley.


As seen on WCAX and in Granville Sentinnel