March 06, 2023

Social Workers light up our world


In honor of Social Work Month, we’re shining a light on Leyden Johnson, Regional Director of Social Work

It is our good fortune that Leyden is on our team, bringing love, compassion, and thoughtfulness to life. We are proud to call her a Centers Social Worker.

In her own words:

I have been around Social Work my whole life. My Mom is a Social Worker and I was lucky enough to observe her in practice for many years.

I have a passion for the work, helping to develop and support Directors of Social Work so they are better able to advocate and meet the needs of the residents. I want them to feel confident and have all the tools they need to successfully do their job. I continue to seek the most up-to-date information in the Social Work field to ensure that I am the best advocate possible for the residents.

As I guide and support Directors of Social Work, I am better able to support residents at all stages of their lives.

Her words to live by:
You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right.
— Rosa Parks, U.S. civil rights activist

[Social worker superheroes lock-up]

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