Stormy Weather Won’t Stop Ice Cream
(429 St. Mary’s Hospital Employees Love Their Free Ice Cream on July 29, 2021. (All photos courtesy of Centers Health Care))
The brave staff at St. Mary’s Hospital in Amsterdam were treated yesterday to free ice cream as the rain came down and the thunder sounded but that did not stop the 429 staffers who came out anyway. St. Mary’s on Guy Park Avenue was also hit with COVID during those tough times in 2020 and the staff hung in there as heroes so the northeast leader in post-acute care, Centers Health Care, wanted to say thank you for all you’ve done over the past 15 months.
More free ice cream stops are being planned by the Centers Health Care sponsored ice cream truck throughout the rest of the summer and what’s more is that the community will be also treated by Centers Health Care with free ice cream at various Stewart’s locations.
As seen on Albany Patch.