June 01, 2022

Support for Healthcare Workers

Imagine walking into a health care facility and finding there were no housekeepers, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, recreation, dietary, social workers and nutritionists onsite? Imagine if residents were left to fend for themselves in the absence of these valuable and often forgotten heroes? Despite the setbacks of the past few years, health care heroes continue to not only make themselves available to our most vulnerable population, but also strive to go above and beyond. They continue to provide optimum care even when they themselves, or their loved ones, may need this same care.

Think about the fallen heroes that died on the frontline caring for our most vulnerable population during the pandemic. Think about those that continue to put on their game faces every day to go out and give the best of themselves to the elderly, veterans, children, and anyone in need at our health care institutions. Yet who provides the caregivers with what they need to continue giving?

We hear about the efforts to locate staff to cover various shifts, but we seldom hear about locating services to cover the physical and emotional needs of current caregivers. Some have physically recovered from COVID, but never had the opportunity to explore resources for psychological support. Some have experienced the loss of their loved ones and didn’t have the opportunity for a traditional burial and therefore lack closure.

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