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Showing 1 - 10 of 1968 results

Where to Recover After a Hospital Stay

After a stay in the hospital, achieving full recovery and a smooth transition back to daily living depends on choosing the right recovery care option. This important decision involves several factors, such as your personal...

Myths and Misconceptions About Skilled Nursing

Skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) offer the highest level of care one can receive without being in a hospital. A referral to a SNF generally occurs after discharge from an inpatient stay in the hospital -...

What Qualifies a Patient for Skilled Nursing Care?

What is Skilled Nursing? Skilled nursing refers to a level of care needed by the patient that can only be provided by licensed nurses or other licensed healthcare professionals. Skilled nursing services can be provided...

ER, Urgent Care, or Primary Doctor?

It’s estimated that around 30% of visits to the emergency room (ER) are deemed unnecessary, which is not only takes up space and resources for those who need the ER setting, but it can be extremely...

Preventing Falls at Home

One of the biggest dangers for seniors living alone is the risk of falling. According to the National Council on Aging, one in four older Americans fall every year, and falls are the leading cause...

8 Less Typical Signs of Heart Disease

Shortness of breath and chest pain are scary symptoms that usually indicate something is wrong with your heart. And rightly so. These symptoms are indeed common indicators of heart problems. But there are quite a...

When It’s Time for a Nursing Home – How to Help Transition

Deciding when it’s time for a parent to transition to a nursing home is emotional. While you may have feelings of sadness about this decision, you may also have feelings of relief. And then possibly...


I’m 91 years old, and this was the first time I have ever broken anything and needed rehab. I fainted and fell, breaking my hip and ending up at Cooper Hospital. When I first got...


I had pneumonia and could barely breathe. I was totally out of it. Coming to Ellicott Center was a lifesaver. The therapy staff wouldn’t let me give up. The rehab team was always there for...


I was very weak. I couldn't raise my arms, I couldn't stand and needed to be transferred using a Hoyer lift.  The staff at Carthage Center was good to me, my aides Richard and Leo...
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