February 20, 2022

4 Health Benefits of Eating Spinach


Most of us probably think of Popeye when it comes to spinach—and how it gave him super strength. Well, that isn’t far off, as the leafy vegetable is considered a superfood. Not only is it great for you, but it’s versatile as well. It can be eaten raw, served cooked, or used in baked goods and smoothies.

All of these ways to prepare it make it easy to consume. Centers Health Care has four health benefits of spinach.

  1. Low in Calories, Rich in Nutrients

While three cups of raw spinach only has 20 calories, it’s packed with vitamins and nutrients. The same amount has two grams of protein and two grams of fiber as well. Three cups also provides 300% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin K, 160% of vitamin A, and 40% of vitamin C.

  1. High in Antioxidants

Spinach is high in antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect against disease. Various flavonoids in the vegetable can reduce the risk of cancer (and slow its growth if it is in the body), protect against heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and help prevent memory problems as well.

  1. Can Keep You From Overeating

Spinach is said to contain satiety hormones, which leave your body feeling full and satisfied after eating, preventing you from overeating and snacking on unhealthy food in between meals. Eating spinach also promotes a better overall metabolism.

  1. Helps Manage Blood Pressure

It’s believed that over half of American adults have issues with elevated or high blood pressure. One study, however, found that regularly consuming spinach can increase blood nitrate levels, which helps keep your diastolic blood pressure number (the lower number on the blood pressure reading) in check.