July 25, 2022

Saving Energy and Costs


Between inflation and higher fuel costs, you’ve likely noticed a spike in your monthly energy bill—especially if you use natural gas. Some costs rose nearly 30% from April 2021 to the same point in 2022.

Fortunately, in just about every area, there are tips and tricks to become more energy-efficient and therefore, save money.

Centers Health Care has a look at four ways to save on your energy costs.

  1. Install Smart Devices

Smart devices can quickly pay for themselves in energy savings. Motion detectors will automatically turn lights on when you go into a room and—more importantly—turn them off when you leave. This can also come in handy in case you left the lights on in a room. In addition, smart thermostats that you control via your mobile device can allow you to change the temperature inside your home in case you forgot to adjust it before you left.

  1. Use LED Lights

LED lights are now commonplace and extremely more cost-efficient than regular bulbs. They reduce the energy used by traditional light bulbs by nearly half, they last up to 25 times longer, and they also emit less heat, so that can keep down your cooling costs in the summer.

  1. Use Your Blinds and Curtains

Heat can easily escape the home during the winter and enter the home during the summer through uncovered windows. Upgrading to double-paned windows and then keeping the sunlight out during the summer can help energy costs in both seasons.

  1. Switch to a Tankless Water Heater

The next time you need to replace your hot water heater, consider the tankless variety, especially if you’re in a smaller home or empty-nesters—tankless may not be able to keep up with the hot-water demand of a large family. Tankless heaters, however, cost around the same as a tank, can save around 30% in energy costs, and last nearly twice as long.

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