November 17, 2021

Surge Protector Buying Tips


With the complexity and variety of electronic devices that have cropped up in the last decade or so, buying a surge protector isn’t as easy as it once was in the 1990s to protect your computer from being fried.

In addition to computers, we have phones, tables, smart home devices, and even more electronic devices to plug in and protect. As such, the—well, surge—in surge protectors can be a bit overwhelming.

That’s why Carthage Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has four tips on buying a present-day surge protector.

  1. Don’t Go Cheap

Surge protectors vary widely in cost, but spending a few extra bucks now can save you from forking over hundreds down the road to replace a fried electronic device. Look for the level of protection on the label, which experts say should not be less than 2,000 joules. In addition, nicer surge protectors will shut down when they age out and lose effectiveness, so this way, you know it’s time for a new one before it’s too late.

  1. USB Outlet Additions

With so many devices that are run or charged through a USB cord, buying a surge protector with dedicated USB slots can be a real space saver.

  1. Look for Outlets That Are Spaced Out

Some plugs are oversized and plugs for USB ports also require more space, so find surge protectors where the outlets are spaced out a bit. That will prevent you from having to waste an outlet because the plug takes up two spaces.

  1. They Don’t Have to Stay on the Floor

Surge protectors don’t have to live on the floor anymore. Companies make ones that can comfortably fit on a desk or table and there are also free-standing ones that give you easier access to them without having to get on the floor or even crawl under a desk or other furniture.