July 30, 2022

Saving Tips by Simply Asking


If you think the interest rate on your credit card or the amount of money you’re paying for cable or internet is too high, you don’t have to just lament over it—there’s something you might be able to do about it.

And no, you don’t need to switch providers or hunt for deals. Turns out, all you might have to do is ask.

University Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has details on four ways you can keep the savings going just by making a phone call.

  1. Extend Introductory Rate

If you signed up for a service at a discounted rate but are concerned about the price hike once that period is over, call up and see if you can get the introductory rate extended. Tell the representative that you feel it’s good value at the introductory rate, but you would likely cancel if you had to pay the regular rate.

  1. Ask for Lower Credit Card Fees

One study found that nine out of every 10 people who asked for a waiver or a reduction on their annual credit card fee were successful. In addition, if you pay your bill in full just about every month, you can also try to ask for an interest rate decrease.

  1. Switch Bank Accounts

Instead of having a checking account and a savings account, switch to a money market account (they typically have a higher interest rate) and explore options for checking accounts that pay interest.

  1. Call for Late-Fee Forgiveness

Banks, credit cards, and other companies typically have some leniency when it comes to late fees—as long as you’re not a habitual offender. If you just forgot to pay a bill on time one month, call the company up and see if they will retract the late fee.


To learn more about University Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing and all of the services they offer, visit https://university-center.facilities.centershealthcare.org.

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