November 10, 2022

4 Ways to Travel With a Pet Like a Pro


If you’re retired, chances are you’re taking more extended road trips than flying in and out of your destination—especially during the holiday season. That opens up the opportunity to take the family dog along for the ride instead of boarding him or having a pet-sitter while you travel.

If pet travel is new to you, CHC has a look at four tips to effectively travel with a four-legged friend.

  1. Transport Safety

While it may seem convenient to let your dog sit by the window to put his head out or sit on a loved one’s lap, dogs are actually safest in the back seat either in a crate or a harness that’s anchored to the vehicle. This keeps you from being distracted by your pet and keeps him safe in the event of a crash.

  1. Bring a Leash

When you’re taking a break for the pup to use the bathroom or get some exercise, be sure to have a leash, and if you’re in a crowded area, stay six feet apart from other people—we are in the midst of a pandemic, after all.

  1. Know Your Pet’s Mindset

If your pet normally isn’t a fan of car rides, be sure to praise him and bring treats. Also, schedule several stops along the way—stick to his usual mealtime and walk schedule.

  1. Don’t Leave Him Alone

You’ll likely need bathroom and food breaks too, so make sure another person is traveling with you so your four-legged friend isn’t sitting in the car alone. Even in cold weather, the inside of a car can get extremely hot if it’s a sunny day.

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