April 23, 2022

Condiments to Enjoy in Moderation


Even for those who are diligently counting calories, there are two places where it’s easy to miss—beverages and condiments.

Piling on the condiments can add far more calories than you expect, so not only are we making you aware of this, but we’re also offering some alternatives that won’t derail your diet.

Centers Health Care has a look at five condiments to limit for a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Ketchup (With Added Sugar)

Standard ketchup has four grams of added sugar just in one tablespoon. If you’re having ketchup, you’re probably eating more than one tablespoon too. An alternative is to buy a variety of ketchup with no sugar added that you can get at the grocery store, and use that instead of what comes in your bag of food.

  1. Mayonnaise

If you’re looking to keep total fat levels low, hold the mayo. Some varieties used with olive oil are better, but those should still be used in moderation. A healthier spread would be smashed avocado or guacamole, as the fat from avocados is far healthier.

  1. BBQ Sauce

Most BBQ sauces are low in calories, but beware of its high sugar content, which can be far more than even what’s found in ketchup. Like ketchup, if you use BBQ sauce, best to find a variety at the store that doesn’t contain added sugar or is sweetened more naturally.

  1. Honey Mustard

Most typical honey mustard that you get with chicken tenders can add anywhere from 100 to 180 calories per serving, and it’s also higher in fat content than most condiments. The best way to enjoy honey mustard is to take its two ingredients and make it naturally.

  1. Creamy Ranch Dressing

Creamy, in this instance, means full fat. If you’re using this kind of dressing to dip vegetables into, you’re negating the health benefits of the veggies with this high-fat dressing. The same goes for having these types of dressings with a salad as well.