July 08, 2022

5 Signs You Might Be Dehydrated


We’re dealing with record-setting heat here in the northeast this summer as well as in other parts of the country, so now is a great time to remind everyone, especially seniors, the importance of staying hydrated.

Dehydration can lead to a number of health problems and leave you more susceptible to requiring hospitalization, so it is crucial to understand the signs and symptoms of dehydration.

Centers Health Care has five signs you might be dehydrated.

  1. Thirst/Dry Mouth

You might wait until you feel thirsty before you drink any water, but the fact is, that feeling of being thirsty or having dry mouth means you’re already a bit dehydrated, so you not only need to drink to satiate your thirst, but you need to add to the amount of water that you’re already drinking.

  1. Skin Isn’t as Elastic

If you pinch the skin on your forearm or the top of your hands and it doesn’t quickly return to normal, you are in need of some more fluids. If the skin still appears pinched after you let go, this is called skin tenting and is a sign of dehydration.

  1. Changes in Mood

Studies have found that even being just a little dehydrated can make people more irritable or anxious.

  1. Frequency of Bathroom Breaks

Instead of focusing on the color of the urine, experts say the number of times you use the bathroom per day is more of an indicator of dehydration. If you’re fully hydrated, you should be using the bathroom once every two or three hours while you’re awake. Try to get most of your fluid intake done earlier in the day so you’re not waking up often at night.

  1. Lightheadedness

The most common cause of feeling lightheaded or dizzy when standing up is due to dehydration. If this happens several times per day, try drinking more water to see if it improves.

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