August 12, 2022

Supermarket Items to Avoid


With food prices rising, many people are pouring over their food budgets to see where they can save some money.

The thing about the supermarket is that you’re not only paying for the food itself, but you’re paying for convenience in many products.

Centers Health Care  has a look at five items that can be considered a waste of money since you can instead spend a little time and effort in preparing them yourself.

  1. Bottled Water

Bottled water is not only a waste of plastic, it’s also around 3,000% more expensive than drinking water out of the tap. Of course, if there are concerns over tap water in your area (check yours here), you’ll want to find an alternative, and even if you want to avoid drinking straight out of the tap, you can use a filter on your refrigerator or sink that is a fraction of what many people spend on bottled water.

  1. Shredded Cheese

It’s cheaper to buy a block of cheese and shred it yourself, but you’ll also get more cheese after shredding. That’s because additives like cellulose can be in pre-shredded bags of cheese and actually leave you with less product.

  1. One-Cup Coffees

One-cup coffee brewers are extremely convenient, but you’re paying a lot for the time you save. A coffee pod is generally 50 to 75 cents each. A better alternative is to use your one-cup brewer for convenience, but buy pre-ground coffee instead of using the pods. Even better—bu. y whole beans from a wholesale or warehouse store and grind them yourself.

  1. Produce

Fruits and vegetables—especially pre-packaged or pre-cut ones—will be far more expensive at the supermarket than at your local produce stand or farmers market. A farmers market will also have food that’s fresher and likely organic.

  1. Energy or Granola Bars

Instead of spending top dollar on energy or granola bars, buy the ingredients (nuts, dark chocolate chips, dried fruit) yourself. In addition to saving money, you are also eating a healthier snack because the pre-packaged bars typically contain lots of added sugar.