April 16, 2022

6 Health Benefits of Watermelon


With summer nearly upon us, it’s almost time for picnics while enjoying the unofficial fruit of summer—watermelon.

And this sweet, satisfying fruit also has several health benefits, so it’s the best of both worlds to enjoy a juicy chunk of watermelon!

Centers Health Care has a look at six reasons why watermelon is as healthy as it is sweet.

  1. Low in Calories

Despite its natural sweetness, watermelon is low in calories—just 45 per cup.

  1. High in Nutrients

Watermelon is high in vitamins A and C and also contains an array of B-vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and several antioxidants.

  1. Easy Way to Stay Hydrated

As the name suggests, eating watermelon is a good way to stay hydrated on a warm summer day. One cup of the fruit contains five ounces of water. It’s vital to stay hydrated, especially during warm weather, for organ and joint function, metabolism, skin health, and even mental performance.

  1. Lowers Blood Pressure

A substance mostly found in the white part of the watermelon rind helps blood vessels relax, which can improve artery function and help lower blood pressure. The substance, L-citrulline, can also help the body perform during endurance exercises.

  1. Can Help Weight Management

A study found that having watermelon routinely as a snack can help you lose or maintain weight because you’re opting for a healthy snack instead of something sugary or salty.

  1. Digestive Support

Watermelon isn’t high in fiber, but it does contain some. In addition, it has probiotics that keep good bacteria active in the large intestine and also has anti-inflammatory properties.