May 24, 2022

Skilled Nursing Week 2022 at New Paltz Center

[From L-R: New Paltz Center Administration offering a special lunch, resident Jody Taylor, who is also president of the resident council and Vietnam War US Marine Veteran resident John Devoll with the Vice-President of the Resident Council resident Bonnie Jones]

National Skilled Nursing Care Week 2022 (NSNCW) was a great time at New Paltz Center on Jansen Road in New Paltz from May 9 through the 14th. The theme this year was “going back to the 1980s” where the Recreation team, led by Director Samantha Cerero, has both staff and residents play the part and dress up during the height of the Madonna – Duran Duran MTV era. Administration had a special lunch for the nurses showing deep appreciation for the hard work they have done over the past year. Residents had a blast with different blow-up gadgets from the Reagan era. Cerero has close ties to many of the local companies in the Hudson Valley and many made gift certificate donations to the facility giving it was NSNCW. These included Adams Fair Acre Farms of Kingston, Topps, RinoÕs Pizza of New Paltz and the Hudson Valley Renegades donated a family four pack of tickets with Renegades baseball caps. NSNCW was established by the American Health Care Association in 1967 and this week-long observance starts each year following Mother’s Day through the following Saturday.

As seen on Poughkeepsie Journal