At age 78, Edna’s daughter, who visited her every day, noted that her mother had begun repeating the same questions several times in a short conversation. Then, one day, she came to see her mother only to find the house empty with the door wide open. She found her sitting several blocks away at a bus stop. Edna had gone out to pick up a few groceries and had gotten lost.
It was clear Edna could no longer live on her own, and her doctor recommended Holliswood Center. Edna’s anxiety was clear to the Center’s staff, so they asked her daughter to bring in some things from her home—a blanket, some pictures to put up on the wall, even her favorite chair. The Recreational Director encouraged Edna to participate in some of the special activities.
Edna’s emotional state showed dramatic improvement. A program of mental exercises also led to an improvement in memory. Edna has adjusted to her new surroundings successfully and has made a number of friends with other residents.
\"My mom is happier than she’s been in a while. She enjoys having meals with her new friends in the dining room and she loves her weekly sessions at the beauty parlor.\"